Application for 2025 Board of Director Positions is OPEN!!!

The application for Officer and Chair positions on the 2025 NOMAColumbus Board of Directors is now open. All positions listed below will be up for election. Applicants must qualify with the core criteria below to be considered. Nominees will be voted for by the NOMAColumbus membership at the 2024 Annual Meeting on October 3rd. All positions not filled at the annual meeting will be voted on and filled by the 2025 Board of Directors in January 2025.

Please complete the application form below by September 19th to get on the ballot.

Please send any questions or inquiries to


  1. Candidate must be willing to represent the chapter and embrace the vision for the organization. They also must be sympathetic and willing to engage with other professionals, firms, and organizations. They should help to empower other voices and celebrate the diversity within our chapter and community

  2. Be in good standing as a member and is current with all membership dues

  3. Commit to attending 75% of scheduled monthly board meetings, in-person or virtual

  4. Commit to attending various events, fundraisers, and all-member meetings throughout the calendar year.

  5. Officers are required to serve the full term of 1 year for a maximum of three consecutive terms.

  6. Officers are encouraged to join other committees


    • The President must be engaged and prepared to lead the chapter and be the face of the organization to outside groups and individuals. Position must actively pursue partnerships and collaboration prospects, along with continuing efforts of the overall goals and creating new opportunities for members with the Membership and Outreach Committee Chair.

    • Attend and lead events, board meetings, and all member meetings. Attend regional and national level meetings and events and report back to the local chapter. Position to be point of contact for all other NOMA and NOMAS chapters.

    • President is to help ensure communication between officers and committees as necessary for coordination, conflict resolution, and responsibility delegation.

    • The President shall serve as an advisor to the board for 1 year after the end of their term if not elected to another board position.

    • In the absence or inability of the President, the Vice President shall perform the duties of the President, including but not limited to attending and leading board and all meetings, coordination with outside organizations, and facilitating chapter needs and obligations.

    • Attend regional and national level meetings and events (with the president) and report back to local chapter. Maintain membership list and contact information from regional and national level. Engage with past members and encourage membership renewal.

    • The Treasurer will be the chair of the Budget and Finance Committee. 

    • Must prepare and deliver comprehensive financial reports to the Board. This includes developing and monitoring internal financial policies to maintain governance, collaborating with committee chairpersons to develop an annual budget and safeguarding chapter’s financial assets and promote transparency in financial matters.

    • Maintain detailed records of all financial transactions, including payments, deposits, and reimbursements, ensuring accuracy and compliance.  Be prepared to speak to any chapter financial inquiries and serve as signatory and oversee the chapter’s bank account, debit cards, and all financial transactions. 

    • Manage insurance coverage and oversee financial risk management.

    • Keep documentation pertaining to sponsorships and donations for chapter and committees. 

    • Ensure timely filing of taxes and maintain current compliance and ensure best practices with all government requirements and nonprofit financial regulations and standards.

    • Provide information and support for grant proposals, enhancing funding opportunities, and helping the President to promote opportunities for financial donors for chapter.

    • Shall keep meeting minutes of The Board of Directors and the Executive Committee.

    • Create agenda for board meetings and all member meetings with assistance from the Board and to send to meeting members in a timely fashion prior to meeting.

    • Keep record of all meeting agendas and minutes 

    • Maintain point of contact for main chapter email ( Position to respond in a timely fashion, and distribute information to appropriate officer or committee chair as necessary.


  • Responsible for managing committee including but not limited to:

    • Propose potential programs and events to board for calendar year

    • Maintain and update chapter calendar on website

    • Coordinate events and programs, including but not limited to: venues, vendors, activities, schedules, and expenses. Coordinate budget and expenses with treasurer & planning during the calendar year

  • Responsible for managing committee including but not limited to:

    • Keep updated lists of membership metrics and track growth and share update with the board (biannually). Develop a strategic plan to consistently increase visibility of the organization

    • Coordinate with VP on reaching out to past members/overdue members

    • Work with Planning Committee to generate initiatives to increase membership and communication with membership

    • Maintain main points of contacts of firms and businesses NOMA Columbus

    • Run and operate all social media, chapter website, and newsletters, with periodic updates on metrics, and share with board and committees prior to posting content

    • Collaboration with programming and project pipeline committees for any upcoming events and posts as necessary

    • Ensure events are properly documented and archived

  • Responsible for managing committee including but not limited to:

    • Planning and coordination of all camps; including venue, vendors, programs and activities

    • Creating events for fundraising and volunteering with the aid of Membership and Outreach and Planning Committee. Coordinate budget and expenses with treasurer & planning during the calendar year

    • Attend regional and national level Project Pipeline meetings and events and report back to the local chapter. Position to be point of contact for all PP related items.m description


  • Coordinates and facilitates communication and acts as an intermediary between NOMA and the universities and NOMAS groups within the chapter territory regarding student issues.

    Responsible for the development and implementation of programs to support and assist students

    Push initiatives to get students involved, and ways NOMA Columbus can be involved with them

    Initiate/maintain contact with universities in the Columbus area without chapters


    • The parliamentarian shall maintain order of all meetings of the board or membership using Roberts Rules of Order.

    • They also shall maintain and uphold the rules set forth in the NOMAColumbus.

    • Work with Membership and Outreach with website to keep accurate history up to date

    • Maintain historical records with aid of Secretary

    • Stay current with events and defining our chapter history, along with understanding the diversity of our members’ cultures, ethnicities, and backgrounds.